Dec 5, 2011

Losing is all about Winning

How many times have you lost hope from your own self after a major setback in life? 
Very often! Well, 


it's very natural for all of us to lose confidence when failure strikes. 
But it's also important to understand that our lives are not dependent on a single aspect, situation or dream. 
Everyone fears failure. 


But breakthroughs depend on it. 
Achievers are learn from them.

Lots of people believe that happiness can come to them only through a single source. 


They hold microscope to look at life and become depressed when that particular thing doesn't work out.
Such people need to change their perspective towards life and look at failureas a stepping stone towards sucess.


The Example of Thomas Edison who had failed more then 10,000 times before he inveented the Electric bulb. 

When asked if he felt guilty of failing so many times, he just said,

"i have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."


Many of life's failure are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.


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